Tuesday 10 March 2020

UIC Security Platform Human Factors working group held on 3 March 2020 in Moscow

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The annual security meeting of the Human Factors working group chaired by Vladimir Kuznetsov from JSC Russian Railways was held on 3 March 2020 in Moscow, Russia.

This fruitful meeting brought together around 40 people from 12 different countries.
After the introductory speeches given by Ludmila Renne (Deputy Head of Foreign Projects and International Cooperation Department, JSC “RZD”) and Vladimir Kuznetsov (Head of Sector Security Department, JSC “RZD”), the UIC Security Division represented by Marie Hélène Bonneau and Virginie Papillault, gave an update on the activities of the Security Division. The new task force that has been implemented at UIC, chaired by Marc Guigon was also mentioned. This task force will be composed of a number of railways (China, Korea, Italy, Iran, …) and some international organisations (UITP, IATA, UITP). The goal of this task force is to draft recommendations on how to handle this crisis.

Then, two presentations on the organisation of passenger transportation on railway transport during mass international events and the security of railway stations in Russia were given by Damir Garifsyanov (Deputy Head of Security Department – Head of Division, JSC FPC) and Rodion Stupnikov (Head of Security Service, Passenger Stations Directorate, Russian Railways).

Another presentation was given by Masayoshi Toyohara (JR East) on the security and safety during the management of large events. To complement these contributions, Catherine Jarrige from SNCF gave an update on the COLPOFER working group dealing with large events and control rooms.

The second part of the meeting was dedicated to discussing in detail the action plan of the Human Factors Working Group for 2020.

Two work strands were decided:

The first topic (item 2) deals with security during big events providing security recommendations. The goal is to collect experiences and best practice from railway companies (e.g. Olympic games, World Cup). A UIC leaflet will be developed in close collaboration with the Colpofer “large events” working group.

The second topic (item 3) focuses on Security and Human Factors measures taken in the case of acts of terrorism. The goal is to update two existing leaflets:

  • One entitled “Railway stations, platforms and trains and in emergency situations”
  • The other entitled “Preventive measures against terrorist acts on railway premises”

It was decided to present the results of the Human Factor working group activities and security leaflets with recommendations adopted to all UIC members, including members of UIC regional assemblies.

It was also proposed, at a later stage, based on lessons learned from the ongoing COVID-19 outbreak, to draft guidance from a Human Factor point of view in case of a larger and stronger pandemic.

The presentations given during the meeting are available on the UIC Extranet Security Workspace.

For further information please contact Virginie Papillault, papillault@uic.org and Marie-Hélène Bonneau, bonneau@uic.org

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