Tuesday 2 July 2019

UIC Safety Platform Steering Group meeting held on 26 June 2019 at DB AG in Berlin

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Rolf Härdi, UIC Safety Platform Chairman welcomed all participants in Berlin.

Bart Hoogcarspel, ProRail; Rikie Eloot, Infrabel; Masayoshi Toyohara, JR East and Alexander Ivanenko, RZD presented some safety events and innovations in their respective companies.

Isabelle Fonverne, UIC recalled the video shown during the last Safety Platform Steering Group meeting on 27 March: “Women in safety” https://youtu.be/UfC-6yN3Kss and the SNCF project called “SNCF au féminin: Women at SNCF”.
Members were requested in March to present at the meeting either their experience or their internal company’s policy with regard to women or gender in the railways, more precisely in the area of safety.
She also reported on “railway talent” https://railtalent.org/ and showed a video with a mentor giving inspiration to women to apply for jobs in the railways.

To note: the 5th UIC world congress on rail training https://railtalent.org/event/5th-uic-world-congress-on-rail-training/
To take place from 9 – 11 October in Rabat
And the training sessions on high-speed rail systems Level II from 18 – 22 November 2019 at UIC HQ in Paris.
For further information please contact: amirault at uic.org

Dora Peralta, CP presented the situation as far as women employment and careers at CP are concerned. 2620 employees of which 379 are women and not too many in technical or safety areas, even fewer in managerial positions. There is no concrete project so far in this domain.

Luca Granieri, Trenitalia reported on the WIM “women in motion” project being carried out since 2016. On an EU scale: only 22% of employees in the transport sectors are women, it is 15% at FS. In Italy only 20% of graduates in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) are women, only 10% of graduates in technical schools are women. The WIM project has many objectives, including convincing young women to study in scientific and technical areas, fighting against stereotypes, encouraging women to apply for jobs in technical areas usually occupied by men: train drivers, maintenance, etc.
Other members were requested to present something on this subject at our meetings on 5 and 6 November.

François Davenne, recently nominated Director General of UIC, then gave feedback on the UIC Executive Board and the 94th General Assembly meetings hosted by MAV on 25 June 2019 in Budapest.
For more information read our UIC e-news https://uic.org/com/uic-e-news/652
Or the UIC press release https://mailchi.mp/uic/uic-the-worldwide-organisation-of-railways-brings-together-its-members-in-budapest-for-its-94th-general-assembly-1289637?e=52b4c9c5ae
The next UIC General Assembly will be held on 11 December 2019 in Paris.

Enno Wiebe, CER presented the main issues related to the Fourth Railway Package – technical pillar.

The Chairpersons of the following UIC Safety Platform Working Groups presented their activities and work programme.

Jean-François Meunier (SNCF) for the System Safety Management Group - CER Safety Support Group (SSMG): in particular the follow up of the great belt accident in Denmark – JNS next steps + action plan; and also the GCU improvement proposal.

Bart Hoogcarspel, ProRail and Chairman of the Safety Performance Group (SPG) presented an Opt-in project “Safety database dashboard”. There was then a discussion on the possibility of publishing only one public safety report or two reports as before (one confidential for internal use, one public).

Maria Hedqvist, Trafikverket presented the first results for the Task Force on R/R Vehicle for Occupational Health and Safety Group – OHSG and called for experts to be part of the OHS Group.

Christian Neveu, SNCF, and Chairman of the Human Factors Working Group – HFWG reported on the WG’s work (among others safety culture). He also officially announced his retirement. A new Chairman is to be found to take over the role.
All participants and the Chairman, Mr. Härdi thanked him for his work and valuable contribution to UIC’s work and wished him an pleasant retirement.

Bernard Penners, UIC gave a debrief on the kick-off meeting of the ad-hoc group on automation with ERA: on 7 and 8 May 2019 in Amsterdam.

Isabelle Fonverne, UIC gave an overview of ILCAD 2019 campaign in various participating countries and the launch conference hosted by ProRail on 6 June 2019 in Amersfoort, Netherlands.

For more information read https://uic.org/com/uic-e-news/650
Video summarising the conference on ILCAD youtube channel

In English: https://youtu.be/cVZVaulrYNk
In Dutch : https://youtu.be/ww9OsikrcUs

She also reported on behalf of Allan Spence, NetworkRail that the next meeting of the European Level Crossing Forum – ELCF would take place from 21 – 22 November 2019 at the Italian Ministry of Transport in Rome.

Marc Antoni, Director RSF at UIC gave a presentation on “Cybersecurity”.

The next UIC Safety Platform Steering Group is due to take place on 5 November 2019 at UIC HQ, followed by the film festival on 6 November in the morning, and the plenary session on 6 November in the afternoon.

For further information please contact Isabelle Fonverne, Senior Safety Advisor:

fonverne at uic.org

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02. From left to right: Jerzy Wisniewski, UIC Fundamental Values Director; François Davenne, UIC Director General; Marc Antoni, UIC Rail System Director
03. From left to right: Bernard Penners, Manager of the UIC Safety Unit; François Davenne, UIC Director General; Christian Neveu, SNCF, Chairman of the Human Factors Working Group; Rolf Härdi, UIC Safety Platform Chairman
04. Christian Neveu, SNCF, Chairman of the Human Factors Working Group and Bernard Penners, Manager of the UIC Safety Unit
08. Charlottenburg