Wednesday 2 March 2022

Raising the voice of rail in climate action at the first-ever MENA Climate Week

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On 28 to 31 March 2022, the first-ever Middle East and North Africa Regional Climate Week will take place in Dubai, hosted by the government of the United Arab Emirates. The International Union of Railways (UIC) will be present at the event to represent the railway sector and advocate for its central role in decarbonising transport.

The MENA Climate Week provides a platform for governments, cities, private sector leaders, financial institutions and civil society to discuss opportunities to move forward from the pandemic by identifying opportunities to enhance climate action. The event will bring together key stakeholders to take the pulse of climate action in the region, to explore climate challenges and opportunities, and to showcase ambitious solutions.

For transport experts who are interested in following the discussions, there will be two main events dedicated to transport:

1. Official side event on 29 March (time TBC): “Building the future of mobility: the shift to sustainable, low and zero emissions transport in the MENA region

Together with SLOCAT and UITP, UIC is co-organising a side event that will bring together key voices from within the MENA region to discuss the future of sustainable mobility in the region. At this side event, transport leaders in the region will provide updates on MENA transport projects (which equate to more than $100 bn worth of investment), upcoming investment opportunities and plans for MENA cities, and lessons learned by authorities and regulators delivering action on the ground. The event will help to provide decision makers with the concrete recommendations and technical considerations required to improve rail freight and daily urban mobility and the quality of daily life for all citizens. This represents an area of untapped potential in the national efforts and contributions necessary to fulfil the Paris Agreement and make NDCs more ambitious in 2022.

2. Main track event on 30 March at 5:00 – 6:30 pm: “Unlocking the potential of transport and mobility to build sustainable cities

The UN Environment Programme is leading the organisation of the track on ‘Seizing Transformation Opportunities’ and UIC, together with UITP, SLOCAT and other partners, is supporting the organisation of the session dedicated to transport. This event will bring together experts from cities, countries and industry to illustrate the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead for the MENA region and to discuss what is required to scale up and accelerate action on sustainable transport that can be accessed by all.

This event will take place in person and will be livestreamed on the UNFCCC platform. To register for the events, please click here.

For further information, please contact Lucie Anderton, Head of the UIC Sustainable Unit, at anderton at

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