Tuesday 15 June 2021

Finance Platform plenary meeting held on 10 June

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The annual Finance Platform plenary meeting was held on 10 June, chaired by Stefano Pierini of FS Group, Chair of the Finance Platform, and assisted by Thierry Béra, UIC CFO.

In his opening speech, UIC Director General François Davenne stressed the importance of the Finance Platform, noting its potential and the need to ensure that it is given greater visibility in the coming years. Mr Davenne announced the upcoming publication of the UIC Activity Booklet, which will feature the Finance Platform. He also noted the current momentum for rail, which is being promoted by the EU by placing rail at the forefront of sustainability and mobility. There is a recognition, supported at all levels, of modal shift to rail as a must for the future. The Finance Platform is looking forward to playing its part. Upcoming topics for discussion within the Platform will include, among others, public-private partnerships, OSDM and sustainable finance. Ideas for mobilising financing instruments will be very welcome.

Stefano Pierini agreed with Mr Davenne that the role of the Finance Platform is to promote various financing tools, such as sustainable finance, and announced that the Platform was to be opened up to other stakeholders from different countries and regions.

Presentations included reports from the moderators of the various groups:

  • PATRIC (passenger audit – participant group), during which the speaker presented the 2021 audit campaign,
  • RCF 1 (Accounting and financial regulations – passenger working party), noting that OSDM and the Tax Group are to be part of the 2021-2022 programme,
  • RCF 2 (Accounting and financial regulations – freight working party), noting work completed in respect of IRS 30304,
  • RCF 3 (Financial relations between railways undertakings – principles and terms of application), with a report on the group’s work with the ODC (Office of Debt Clearance) and the need to migrate UIC Leaflet 311 to an IRS,
  • The ODC (Office of Debt Clearance) outlined levels of indebtedness and work undertaken to contact the main debtors,
  • The moderator of the Taxation Group explained the aims of the group and noted the creation of a Carbon Taxation Group,
  • The Statistics Group (participant group) presented its work, key projects, programme and publications for 2021,
  • The Legal Group Chair reported on ongoing topics, such as the MERITS system and UIC statutes,
  • Guest topics included sustainable finance, presented by Lucie Anderton, UIC Head of Sustainability, and a presentation on green bonds by Stefano Peirini, as well as the Open Sales Distribution Model (OSDM), presented by David Sarfatti, Senior Passenger Advisor.

For more information on the Finance Platform, please contact Thierry Béra, bera at uic.org or Maria Lafont, lafont at uic.org

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